the little things
My hope for the end of this experimental blog is that it will turn into a book. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. I really don’t spend a lot of energy on that, but it is a big goal.
Write a book.
It has been on my life goal list for a while now.
Yet, to write a book, you need to write a chapter. To write a book, you need to write a page. To write a sentence, you need attention in a world where attention is fleeting.
Aim small and miss small, my friend would tell me when shooting the hockey puck.
It's the small efforts day in and day out that blossom into a mighty Douglas-fir.
Life is about the little things that contribute to the big.
Seeing my hometown sign driving off the exit
A cold breeze on the cheek at the ski hill
Adirondack stewarts coffee
Throwing the ball for the dogs
My wife randomly breaking out in song at the house
Smiles on my family’s faces
A random phone call with a friend
Sitting on my deck early in the morning, watching the sunrise, the birds chirping, and the squirrels running about the trees.
A random drive to nowhere
When is the last time…
When’s the last time you just got in the car and went exploring, mixed up the routine, found a new hike, new locations you haven’t been to, or watched the birds and wildlife without an agenda.
I’m not talking about a vacation to the 4 seasons in Costa Rica. I am talking about somewhere where you live.
Those little streets you never drive down
That store you never go in
That trail you haven’t walked
That stranger you have never smiled and waved at
These are little things you miss because you have your routine as if routine made for an interesting life.
Step out of your little bubble, maybe try not to think about your problems, and watch those problems fade away because you spent too much time focusing on the big stuff when it is the little stuff that counts.
When was the last time you appreciated the little moments, and a little smirk came to your face? Every moment is a little death. There are little moments all around us to be cherished.
These little moments will turn into a big, beautiful life.
And, god willing, these little posts will turn into a book. But not yet.
For now, we write, smile, slow down, and enjoy the little things that make life great.