“Can’t start unless you start”
I used to say this a lot in college. It mainly was to rally the troops to start drinking early. You know, college things. Darty things.
Now I am washed up and the hangovers hit harder. I am a washed-up college athlete. I am a married, washed-up, college athlete. No, I am a married, 30-year-old, with tight hips, messed up shoulders, washed-up college athlete.
Since I am a washed-up hockey player, I have come to learn a few things. I have come to realize that “Can’t start unless you start” is a call to go after your dreams now and stop letting life pass by. Write the first article, film the first video, start your first business, look for a job, and find that girl or guy you want to marry. Just start.
People look for every reason not to start. They want to be perfect right from the starting line. They want the love of the crowd without the work. They want to the sculpture without picking up the chisel.
At first, things are hard. At first, people will judge you. At first, you will judge yourself. Those feelings fade as you develop a passion for laying a foundation.
As that foundation grows and you build, build, and build your house, you might realize - “shit this isn’t the house I want.”
Changing your mind is a superpower. I was a hockey player, a summer concrete cowboy, an e-commerce business owner, then a videographer, then in tech sales, then in government contracting, and now I am a trader in the crypto markets. It is okay to release the shackles, be free, and try something else. Fuck, we are going to die someday (memento mori) so don’t be an insect your whole life.
I am writing this article to myself if I am being honest. I love writing and creating. However, I have found myself over the past year not writing. I was only consuming content wishing I was the one writing it. This is my kick in the ass to start.
Hopefully, this letter is a kick in the ass for you to start creating the reality you want to live in.
This newsletter is titled - Washed Up.
I wonder where it will lead. You know what, who cares where it goes? Because you can’t start unless you start. The gas pedal is on the right.